Palestine teach-in resources

This resource base was compiled and circulated by Cambridge UCU and Cambridge PalSoc at their Gaza teach-In on 31 October 2023. It is archived here with permission from the organisers.

This resource base collates together a range of “Palestine 101” resources, including; Courses and Curricula, Maps + Visualizations, Data + Databases, Archives + Oral Histories, Human Rights Reports, Teach-In Recordings; as well as an introduction to Palestinian poetry, literature and film; and resources for organizing and facilitating.

Courses and Curricula

Maps + Visualizations 

Data + Databases 

Archives + Oral Histories

Human Rights Reports

Teach-In Recordings

Intro to Palestinian Poetry + Literature 

Intro to Palestinian Film

Resources for Organizing / Facilitating 

For more information and future events, please follow Cambridge PalSoc on instagram.

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